Monday, February 26, 2007


The one thing that I most want right now is, of course, the thing that is the least likely to happen. In fact, it's absolutely impossible. There is no way that it will happen or can. I want to get off campus for a few hours. Alone. I could take a walk on the golf course, but that's basically a backyard- it's not really off campus. The Chapel is nice, too, but people can still find you there and sometimes, people get worried if you stay in there too long. They think something is wrong. If you were watching me write this, you'd see me rolling my eyes. I mean, it's nice that people care about you, but... And nothing's wrong- I just want to be alone. And that's utterly impossible.

What makes me want this even more is the fact that in a couple of weeks, I'll be at my parents' home where I don't even have a space that I can call "mine". I'll be invading other people's personal space. I hate that. At least here I have a bed and a bit of room. People aren't going to have to sleep on the floor because I am using their bed. I don't know how it's going to work for summer vacation. And I really don't think I'm coming next semester, either. I don't even want to think about spending seven months in Alabama. That's too depressing. Let's not talk about Alabama.

I don't like spring. Actually, I like spring, I just don't like watching the way people act in the spring. I've decided that I'm going to get married in November or January- those are the grossest months imaginable. I can't figure out why God invented them. There are lot of things that make me wonder what God was thinking when He was creating the world.

I get to babysit Jackie on Saturday. That's something I'm looking foward to. Funny how mundane things like spit-up, drool, and worse are going to be the highlight of my week. I miss babies. And I really should be writing my philosophy midterm right now.

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